Is a Millennium Together Too Much to Ask For?
Chuck recognized their favorite dish as soon as he entered the kitchen. Pasta is coming to a boil under a deep pot’s lid. A blob of ground beef waiting to sizzle on a pan; onion and garlic on a chopping board, ready to join the party. “Watch how to make it yourself,” Lesly pressed the beef down with a spatula. “When I’m gone.” “No thanks,” said Chuck. “I have my can opener. But I didn’t know you were going to see the kids.” Lesly shook her head, “No, not going. Gone, period.”
“If we split like that, our lovesong is over,” protested Chuck. “The light tunnel, life review, then another birth with memory wiped out—the whole setup. One day in that next life, imagine I notice a lady and wonder why she looks familiar. My heart cries out, and I don’t know why.”
Escape Premature Reincarnation
Aromas of Italy filled the kitchen; Lesly grating parmesan, “What can we do?” Chuck laid out his idea. Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years. He died short of a thousand years for breaking God’s commandment, ‘…for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.’ A millennium is a day on God’s timeline. Noah was born nine generations later when his father, Lamech, was hundred-eighty-two.
Today, people die way before true maturity; children have children. Chuck thought it fair to ask for a thousand years together. Rather than being recycled a dozen times and kept trapped in this dimension. Lesly wondered, “Why a thousand years? Why not forever?” Chuck smiled, “Forever could be bondage. We may each want to be seeded on another planet, rejoin the Source, or evolve to high consciousness.”
Consciousness Is Frequencies
Chuck set the table. “Universe is all about vibrations, and vibrations have frequencies. Consciousness is information impressed on frequencies. Just like cellular frequencies carry texts, conversations, images, and videos.”
“Isn’t light also frequencies,” queried Lesly. Yes, a great analogy. Compare the spectrum of Universe consciousness to the rainbow of visible light. Imagine being limited to the three lowest frequency bands like we are now in the Universe. Vivid yellows, greens, blues, and violets would not be visible. Our world would be only shades of red and orange. “That would look like hell,” she quipped.
Chuck continued. The Universe has a broad spectrum of consciousness frequencies, of which our world covers a narrow band. Birds, reptiles, and utterly materialistic people occupy the low end. In the middle are mammals, including humans, the difference being that animals aren’t self-aware. At the top of the band are those who poke higher dimensions.
What Dimensions?
Earth started as a globe covered with stones. That’s dimension one. Lesly’s fork stopped in midair. “What do you mean, dimension one? Isn’t the globe three-dimensional?” Chuck nods yes; in terms of geometry, it is. One-dimensional would be a straight line. But dimensions in Universe are about frequencies of consciousness. The higher the dimension, the higher the frequencies in the band it covers.
Earth consciousness is now at dimension three (D3), which also happens to be 3D—thereby the confusion. We perceive our D3 installed on D1, which represents minerals, and D2, the consciousness of plants and insects. But looking up from here, higher dimensions are hidden. “I got it!” exclaimed Lesly. “If we raise our consciousness to D4, resident evil can’t touch us, not even see us.”
How It All Started[1]
The highest attainable dimension in the Universe is that of Teachers. Lower-dimensional beings look up to them as gods. Earth had unique predestination among planets: bring forth beings capable of becoming gods.
A crack team of eight Teachers assembled from other worlds arrived to fulfill that destiny. One of them, Lucifer, had an outstanding reputation as a bearer of light to people. Labor of Love. Ultimately, earthlings take over, and Teachers return home when mission accomplished.
Over time, the rocky surface weathered to a base of soil that sprouted beautiful flowers—D2 covering D1. And that was when Earth first experienced evil at work. Giant vegetation muscled its way in, cramping the flowers and shielding them from light. The struggle of light versus darkness began.
Meanwhile, Teacher Lucifer did exceedingly well. Legends about the advanced civilization he nurtured, Atlantis, still live after thirteen thousand years. But then pride set in. Men started acting as rulers with no higher authority over them, and Lucifer joined them. Abuse of women was rampant. The planet suffered. Teachers stepped in, wiping it all with a flood.
…And Then Restarted
Genesis 1 paints the picture, ‘The Earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep.’ Thus began the biblical story of Adam and Eve, which ended with the original sin of breaking God’s commandment. Teachers had to intervene again. They invited a godly man, Enoch, to write instructions for his grand-grandson Noah. And when Noah was ready, they opened the spigots of the second flooding.
But even after this cleansing, evil empires rose again, prompting Teachers to take extreme measures. They incarnated one of them on Earth as Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God. The crucifixion of Christ was the most terrible crime punishable under Universe’s Law. But he interceded, securing a couple of millennia on probation to give earthlings a chance to wake up.
Lesly loaded the dishwasher. “So, what’s the timing?” Chuck thought it could be any time. “There is a great deal of awakening, but evil is also still going strong. Some say we’re at a crossroads, yet prophecies are straightforward: cataclysmic shift of planetary consciousness to a higher dimension. The awakened ascend with it, and evil bye-bye!”
[1] The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution. Translated from the Senzar by Zinovya Dushkova. Glossary by Alexander Gerasimchuk. Radiant Books 2015.
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