Vibrations heal without polluting the natural chemistry
The Healing Waves
I lay on a cushioned bench, my left foot inside a device resembling a large model railroad tunnel. A hefty cable connects the device to electronics on an adjacent table. I hear a hum of electromagnetic waves bathing my foot but don’t feel anything.
I lived and worked happily in Prague when attacked by a painful heel spur. Perhaps from roaming the romantic cobblestone streets and mosaic sidewalks. My left hip turned sore from limping. When every step hurts, there goes the lifestyle.
Partner, a competitive tennis player, introduced me to a clinic specializing in sports injuries. They scheduled a series of treatments with the EM tunnel followed by laser irradiations. Electromagnetic and infrared vibrations healed my foot: no knives, needles, or pills. Ten years later, I happily hike the Rockies, still following the clinic’s advice to put extra cushions in my shoes. Waves saved my lifestyle.
Pills Supreme?
The experience makes me wonder why we live in a pharma business model. It seems as if we go to a doctor, they look up the ailment in one column and prescribe the meds from the other column—a quick fix for patients who prefer that over cure and lifestyle adjustment.
How can healthcare move away from loading bodies with substances? As a technology analyst, I identify two change agents: artificial intelligence and consciousness-imbued vibrational energies.
Why Artificial Intelligence?
Early in my career, I attended a meeting between Bell Northern Research and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. When a preemie is delivered, it’s a race against time. The doctors demonstrated a program that computed chances of survival and proposed courses of action. The meeting resulted in our engineers taking care of networking. In addition, many of us signed up for voluntary payroll deductions toward building a like hospital in our neighborhood.
Fast forward. Our daughter, born seven weeks premature, was swiftly moved to the Hospital for Sick Children in Ottawa. I visited the next day while my wife was recovering in the maternity ward. My mind ran on autopilot. Scrub your hands here. With my arms extended, a greenish coat slipped on me and tied in the back. I see behind a glass wall a room lined with incubators. A bronze plaque informs that our company donated to this prenatal facility. Stick your hand through this opening and stroke her gently, they say. We handle her always, but she needs the parental touch.
Our daughter’s graduation gift was a trip to her roots. From Columbia University, we drove through Upstate New York to Niagara, then around Lake Ontario, and on to Ottawa. The Hospital for Sick Children was the highlight. Please pose over here; they asked our daughter. Your picture on the bulletin board will encourage our preemies’ parents.
Forty years ago, SickKids MDs saved our daughter’s eyesight because they determined with their program that she didn’t need oxygen. In the early systems, experts cumulated their knowledge into algorithms. Now self-learning machines can build and use knowledge bases far beyond human capabilities.
Doctors and nurses, free of routines, can be the healers and teachers of wellness. Use the power of human touch augmented with a range of healing technologies. Coach patients to exercise their consciousness to maintain health.
What About Consciousness?
Materialism supports a base level of consciousness akin to an alligator: fight or flight. Is what we face good for us? Can we possess it, eat it, or mate with it? Or is it a threat to our survival? Us against them is what drives this world nuts.
But there is an awakening. People realize the need to raise consciousness above the reptilian and save this planet. If the current timeline should fail, it won’t be the first time restarting with a clean slate. Recall Noah’s flood!
Elevated consciousness gives health professionals the power to direct the healing effects of sound, ultrasound, electrical, electromagnetic, infrared, ultraviolet, or visible light waves.
It’s the conscious intent rooted in compassion that heals.
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